Category: Church Building

  • All hands to the pump!

    A huge thank you to all those who turned up this morning to give the church a massive clean so our services tomorrow can take place.   The damaged cornicing has been mended this week and to say it caused quite a bit of dust is an understatement! Thankfully half the church is back into…

  • A light from the window

    If you remember, earlier in the year the oldest window we have in church, the mediaeval monk’s window was removed, cleaned, repaired, and replaced.   We usually notice some colour, but look at it shining on the vestry door this morning! Beautiful!!    

  • A Plaster Issue!!

    On Thursday this week a section of the Victorian coving came crashing down in church. We were fortunate nobody was in church at the time but the mess it left was awful.   For Sunday worship, we were advised by our architect that to be on the safe side we ought to cordon off the…

  • St Mary’s Lilliput Lane

    Did you know that St Mary’s was used as a model for one of the Lilliput Lane series of miniatures? See here for more information . . .