WP 000676

This service is one of the most amazing of the church year. The congregation gathers outside the church door, in the gathering gloom of dusk, and the first ancient tradition of the service is to light the new 2012 Paschal (Easter) candle from the flames of a fire.

The candle then leads the congregation into the church, lit by hundreds of candles. This is a stunning visual representation of the light of Easter after the darkness of Good Friday, and the history of St Mary’s from it’s monastic days come flooding in with the candles, incense and choral music makes even more of the moment.

We stop for our first ‘station’ at the back of church, representing the birth of Christ, and everybody lights a candle. We then move further into the church for the second station, an empty cross with nails. hammer and crown of thorns in front of it. Again, more candles are lit.

Then finally to the altar, with the burning incense, and Easter garden in the altar itself depicting the empty tomb. After lighting another candle here, the congregation light their own candle from the Paschal candle and continue with the service.

After the readings, Gospel and a couple of hymns, the congregation move to the font at the church door to renew their Baptism vows. Each person makes the sign of the cross, the sign of Christ, with the Holy water on another person.

During the last hymn, the light outside the East window is lit, which gradually concludes the service of light. An indescribable feeling of new life, surrounds the church and the congregation.


He is Risen!! Alleluia!!


WP 000673

WP 000674

WP 000675